Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Keystone Xl Pipeline Is A Proposed Expansion Of The...

The Keystone XL pipeline is a proposed expansion of the current Keystone pipeline that would cover over 1,700 miles from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast of Texas. The purpose of the pipeline is for the transport of extracted tar sands from Canada to the Gulf Coast refineries and ports for export. The proposed pipeline would cross 1,073 rivers, lakes, streams, and the Ogallala aquifer. The Ogallala aquifer is one of the largest in the world. It provides two million people with drinking water and more than a quarter of America’s agriculture with water for irrigation. There would be a large ecological impact, affecting communities and destroying habitats. Building Keystone XL would add 27.4 million metric tons of carbon pollution to the atmosphere per year, adding to the global climate change dilemma. Aside from the damage as a result of constructing the pipeline, oil spills cause contamination and are costly to cleanup. The company proposing the expansion, TransCanada, has sta ted that thousands of jobs would be created. In fact the project would only create thirty five permanent jobs with the remainder consisting of temporary or contract work (â€Å"Stop Keystone,† n.d.). The production of tar sands oil produces emissions that are three to four times higher than conventional oil. This is in part due to the large amount of energy required in the extraction and refining of the oil. Large quantities of heat, water, and chemicals are used to separate bitumen from sand, silt, andShow MoreRelatedThe State Of The Keystone Xl Pipeline1606 Words   |  7 Pagesdebate about the construction and proposed expansion of a pipe system to transport crude oil from the Alberta province in Canada to the Gulf Coast region of Texas by the TransCanada Company. The pipeline infrastructure in place known as the Keystone Pipeline would now feature a larger section, which would be known as the Keystone XL. 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Ever since construction began in 2008 and it was commissioned in 2010, the Phase I portion of the pipeline has been haunted by talk of the possible expansion causing disorder among environmentalists and preservationists. While Phase II and Phase III have been completed since the current date, Phase IV, commonly referred to as the Keystone XL pipeline, hasRead MoreKeystone Xl Pipeline Vs. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Essay1307 Words   |  6 Pages Environmental Justice Case study: Keystone XL Pipeline vs. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Introduction Throughout this paper I will try to prove that the proposed establishment of the Keystone XL Pipeline is a direct infringement upon the human rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North and South Dakota. 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Trump has proposed policies that reduce power given to the EPA with the mindset that global warming is a hoax. Clinton’s expansion on climate change initiatives is environmentally and economically beneficial while Trump’s policies only benefit the oil and gas

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